Here is smth that can help u,
*NOTE: If u accept a quest from an inn, and got it accepted, you cant get it again if the inn resets*
Let see, after a reset: (by CS item of by regular "next day" reset)
*Its random what quests u get
*And its random how many u get
There is however, a limit on how many there are total, so lets say there are 15 white, 4 green and 2 blue and 1 purple. If you hold on (accept em, but dont do them) to 5 of the whites before you reset, the will be a higher change of getting the other quests, because there are less quests that you can get now, since you havge accepted 5 whites. So the chances will increase on getting blue/green/purple as well.
Just make sure u hold onto the quests you hate the most^^ And if all the quests u get in the new list is good, then take one and one inn quest so u don't have to drop the "bad quest" u have accepted too not get them again.