OK so first things first State war plans,
Storm will be attacking Nahai and hopefully taking that land back, We will be attacking SoV and taking theirs.
Chaisang unfortunatly will be a focus for next week as we had no Legion/Members willing to go up against Hades (but I'm hoping they forked over alot of Dom to help us more next week in the outbid process *fingers crossed* lol)
From info I was told, Wei has no plans to attack us despite where they are situated, but we shall see has that one goes and change plans as needed for there.
Please keep in mind this is currently a rough draft dependent on if we outbid the Legions on those 2 cities, and if Wei doesnt attack us. I will update accordingly and we'll change plans as needed, but as it stands for now this is the game plan.
As for construction quests, we need our business, defense and public safety upped to get a catapult (once again provided GM's actually placed this feature in game)
Business: needs to be at 3000
Defense: needs to be a 300
Public Safety: needs to be a 700
As you're doing your construction quests, please keep refreshing the map and checking to see the stats on those 3 specifics. If one is past the needed amount, and the next is still under, please work on the one needing to be beefed up.
Hope this helps all, as always direct all questions to myself either in-game or on here.
Thanks all